I have a fascination with Jehovah's Witnesses. They are like little wounded birds. When you try and help them they flap their wings as hard as they can to try and get away. I love them, and wish I could help them, but there doesn't seem to be anything I can do.
In case you don't know, and I also found this a bit surprising, but Jehovah's Witnesses have a particularly high tendancy to have mental problems. This is not an insult, this is a serious comment, based on what I've found on the net. Amazing how much you come up with by googling something like "jehovah's witness mental illness".
Here's an example
So, what can we do to help these poor, little, injured birds? I don't know, but here's something I've tried... and it didn't work, because the person I tried it on almost completely ignored my questions and moved on to other things. I asked these three hypothetical questions:
1. Hypothetically, if you had a daughter, who was scientifically minded, and therefore could not make sense of your religion, and chose rather not to be involved in it, but was kind to people and animals... If God chose to kill her and save you, would you consider that to be right and just?
2. Hypothetically, if you found out that a major teaching in your religion was a lie, and you could not convince others that it was a lie, would you stay in the religion anyway, or would you leave?
3. Hypothetically, if an international committee was set up for the sole purpose of figuring out the true religion, and consisted of the most open minded and intelligent people in the world, who spent their lives evaluating various religions, and testing them to see if their claims were true, would you join the religion that they claimed was true, or would you rather trust your own mind?
In my next post I will list 19 reasons why I am not a Jehovah's Witness, which took me about an hour to think up in order to send to the same person I mentioned above.
I know no-one reads my posts, but if you are no-one, please post a comment and let me know what you think about these thoughts of mine.
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