Monday, 19 July 2010

The blog that no-one will ever read

I like to write.

I'm the kind of person who prefers to generate his own opinions rather than find out what other people have to say. It's for this reason that I write more than I read, and of course the problem with that is that I write more than what other people read too, which means that not enough people read what I have to write.

I'm guessing that no-one will ever read this entry, but I like to think of Edison, the inventor, in times like these. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, but before inventing one that did work, he invented hundreds that didn't.

This blog post is a light bulb, that probably will never be read, but hey, Edison didn't consider himself a failure. Everything he did was an experiment. Experiments that failed didn't really fail. Each time he learned how not to make a light bulb.

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