Wednesday, 21 July 2010

The two most important projects in the world

Hello, my fearless and fantastic readers that do not exist. I want to talk about the most important projects in the world.

As an idealist, I prefer to make the best use of my time that I possibly can. This is why I don't really believe that it matters if I eat a bit of meat, drive a large petrol guzzling van from time to time, or even throw away the occasional piece of plastic instead of recycling it. There are more important things in the world... and I'd go as far as to say that some things may be a billion times more important than most people's contribution to making the world a better place ( because there are billions of people ).

PROJECT #1 (What I consider to be the most important project in the world)

It's called "Artificial General Intelligence". The prediction is that once AGI is invented, an event called "the singularity" will occur. This means that machines will be able to create machines better than themselves. It's an infinite loop of technological advancement. A smart machine will create a smarter machine, which will create an even smarter machine ... and so on.

And so, "Why is this so important?"... Super intelligent machines will be able to solve nearly every problem on the planet. I'm not going to go into too much detail, but you can read my fiction novel, "The Mischievous Nerd's Guide to World Domination" (available on, which can give you an idea.

There is, however, a problem with AGI... which is not AGI itself, but the system that currently runs the world: CAPITALISM (in capitals for effect)

You could also call the problem "money". What will happen in our current system is that a corporation will have a copyright, or patent on AGI and they will use it to benefit themselves and to make money off other people. This means that everyone will have to work hard to try and survive in a world where they could have been quite happy if AGI was available to everyone.

For more on the problem of money, have a look at the "Where are we going" video on my youtube channel (

This brings us to the second most important project in my opinion, which deals with the problem of money and has solutions to the world's major problems:

PROJECT #2 (What I consider to be the second most important project in the world)

It's called "The Venus Project".

The Venus Project is an idea for rebuilding the world from scratch. It's aim is to use technology to make the world a better place. It also believes in uniting the world (no more countries, corporations, money, etc.) It's not that easy to explain, and has to be understood in context, so check out

The Venus Project would solve the problem that I mentioned before. It would also eliminate poverty, stress, most crime, pollution, and many other of the world's problems.

So, what are you waiting for? Why would anyone waste their time trying to "do their bit" for the world, when they can be involved in the most important projects in the world?

How to get involved in AGI: ... help the AGI open source project:

Join the Zeitgeist Movement (This is not the Zeitgeist Movie, but is the activist arm for The Venus Project):

Monday, 19 July 2010

Country borders

I think the whole concept of country borders is stupid. It's something that was never designed, but simply came about through history. People with guns and flags went around claiming land, just because they had scarier weapons than other people, and now the world suffers for it. Instead of being a united world, we are divided by these arbitrary lines cutting our planet into little puzzle pieces.

My wife and I want to do a tour of Europe, but we have to make sure that we pass the silly rules for every country. I can travel as much as I want, but she can't.

If we were to actually design the world from scratch... like if we were aliens and discovered Earth, and we were an advanced, intelligent, civilization ... I really don't think we'd be drawing lines everywhere and making life difficult. The world would belong to everyone... none of this stupid discrimination / racism based on where you were born.

The blog that no-one will ever read

I like to write.

I'm the kind of person who prefers to generate his own opinions rather than find out what other people have to say. It's for this reason that I write more than I read, and of course the problem with that is that I write more than what other people read too, which means that not enough people read what I have to write.

I'm guessing that no-one will ever read this entry, but I like to think of Edison, the inventor, in times like these. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, but before inventing one that did work, he invented hundreds that didn't.

This blog post is a light bulb, that probably will never be read, but hey, Edison didn't consider himself a failure. Everything he did was an experiment. Experiments that failed didn't really fail. Each time he learned how not to make a light bulb.